Google recently is gearing up for more updates besides the Google Panda and Penguin algorithms that took most web masters by surprise. The latest entrant into the Google Updates World is Hummingbird. Like its predecessors this update is something to watch out for as it can invade your website anytime!

What is Google Hummingbird?

Google HummingbirdFor beginners this is a new search algorithm recently launched. There are some online webmasters that believe it was launched on the 15th anniversary of Google however the truth is it was put to test before that. Google states this new algorithm is here to improve the quality of search results.

How Does The Google Hummingbird Affect You?

This new algorithm by Google decides how visitors will see the results of the search they have made. The changes are being made so that the Google gets to understand that the search queries made are more human and conversational. This means you no longer have to depend on short keywords to find what you are searching on Google.

One needs to write improved content so that they can get the answer to specific questions they have in mind.  There are three patents that are believed to be part of the Google Hummingbird update.  They are substitution rules, identification of the synonym and concurrence of the searched term.  They will translate the query and search for its context.

They will also look for words that are synonymous with the term. It is in this way that the quality of the search gets improved. The quality of the content written in the search string should make an attempt to answer the five W’s of the search that is – Who, What, When, Where, Why and How. Now all this points out to the fact that content that is stuffed with keyword is now a thing of the past. This is the era of Google Hummingbird and now you have to write content and long term subjects in such a manner so that they answer all questions asked by humans.

After Google Hummingbird Will the Panda and Penguin Updates Be In Place?

Panda and PenguinThese updates are still in place and they will not affect you at all. The update is not for search ranks it is for how the term you are looking for will turn up in response to your query.  However these previous updates still form the backbone of the link-building and other Black Hat SEO techniques. In short, the page rank of the website matters as well as the content.

How Will Google Hummingbird Affect Semantic Search and Knowledge Graph?

Semantic Search is the way of showing the best possible results. These results depend on your location, trends, online behavior etc. Focus has now improved on the Knowledge Graph. With this update thee there are better filters and capabilities that have been added to this Graph for better and improved search engine results.

Therefore, Google Hummingbird is here to improve search engine results and give you a better surfing experience.

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